Autumn Auction 2019
Online Catalog
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No. 3581
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 330 €
rare papier-mâché doll with modelled and painted blouse edge, neck musculature and backbone, c. 1860, papier mâché breast head, blue painted eyes, red mouth, light brown mohair-wig, forehead was colorwise retouched, slim, delicate fabric body, forearms and hands are made of papier-mâché, modelled fingers single thumb, lower leg and feet are made of papier-mâché, modelled calfs, blue painted boots with red ornament, multipartite underwear, brown/gold colored 2-part dress with flounce at seam, golden beads necklace, 29 cm


No. 3582
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 320 €
small, early small wax doll (baby) in a glass case, c. 1800, circular head made of wax, red mouth, black eyes are made of glass (pin?), body is made of wax, arms and feet made of wax, green painted flat shoes, ecru clothes, skirt, pinafore and hood are crocheted dolls 5 cm, case 9.5 cm

Hammerprice: 2700,00 €

No. 3583
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 350 €
papier-mâché-doll, so-called Milliner’s model portrait doll of the «Sophie Löwe 1815-1866» who was a very popular opera singer in this era, c. 1837, papier-mâché breast head, whole breast plate is surrounded with rose toothed paper ribbon, fine modelled features, blue-green painted eyes, red mouth, high forehead, black painted modelled hairstyle: middle parting, side hair is behind the ears tied back to a small strict plaited bun, modelled ears, typical Milliner body made of white kid leather, bulging stuffed, forearms and hands are made of carvedwood, lower leg and feet are made of carvedwood, yellow painted loafer, the descents from the wood to the white kid leather are always coveredwith toothed green paper ribbon, 30 cm, decorative bright organza dress

Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 3584
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 900 €
small sacred wooden doll, c. 1780, 32 cm, with wreath of stars 37 cm, very expressive features, fine original painting, formed ears, jointed wood body, arms are at the shoulder and the elbows jointed, fix legs, anatomic detailed, with carved slip, slim fingers, single carved toes, very nice original condition, is a museum piece

Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 3585
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
papier-mâché-doll a so-called "Milliner’s Model" c. 1850, breast head made of papier-mâché, blue eyes, red mouth, black painted circular head, typical Milliner body but made of fabric, forearms are made of wood, hands with stick-out thumb, lower leg and feet are made of wood, blue painted flat loafer, underpants and old dress, very late Milliner’s model, indicates already the mass production in the doll industry in the second half of the 19th century in Sonneberg

Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3586
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
GRÖDENTAL, Grödner-doll, c. 1890, head and hull are made of one piece of carved conifer wood, decollete and head, blue eyes, red mouth, carved nose, black painted circular head, 4 joints, forearms and hands are limed, lower leg and feet are limed, 6 cm, undressed

Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 3587
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 6200 €
very rare, early doll with wood joints with glass eyes and real hair wig, c. 1760, probably South German, jointed wood body with 14 ball-and-socket joints, the whole doll is very detailed and carefull carved: long neck, with ball joint, harmonic features, half-open mouth, bright red painted lips, eye-catching carved noses with nostrils, dark-brown, with inset glass eyes without pupil in deep carved eye sockets, painted light circuit and dark edged eye area, carved uncovered ears pierced for eardrops painted with flesh color, hand-carved completely movable jointed wood body, 1 neck joint, 1 waist joint, always 2 shoulder joints, 2 elbow joints, 2 wrists, 2 hip joints, 2 knee joints, 2 foot-joints, upper part of the body with visible carved costal arch, square decollete painted with flesh color, because of the waist joint the upper part of the body and be turned from left to right svivel and from top to bottom, carved, polished wood body painted with brown color, circular bottom, front side is distinct carved like the early French model dolls, that were sent from court to court as spokesmodel, detailed carved hands in relaxed resting position, carved, single fingers in different sizes with single stick-out thumb, carved fingernails, carnation painting, anatomic carved feet with heel, instep and ball of the foot, single carved toes in different size with carved toenails, doll with wooden lace-up sandals with light blue up-painted laces and uncovered wood sole in front, very special !!!, red cotton dress was afterwards supplement and hair ornaments and basket too, 50 cm, the doll has a mysterious expression, that one cannot escape, one of the favorite dolls of the collector


No. 3588
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 800 €
10 wood joints dolls, Sonneberg, c. 1850, marionette dolls, various persons like king, knight, market women, Tyrolean and more, 6 joints, the joints can't be inspected without destroying the clothes, detailed modern heads made of papier-mâché, 40 cm long, 34 cm width, 7 cm height

No. 3589
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 320 €
picture clock, with functioning movement mechanism, windmill is turning, seesaw is moving up and down, a boy emerges on and stretch out the tongue, 52 cm long, 41 cm widht, 13 cm height, late 19th century/early 20th century
Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 3590
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 950 €
shop with richly accessories, rectangular case with high side walls made of wood, outer walls are yellow painted, inside walls with red patterned wallpapers, of the floor big checked pattern, over the whole width with racks at the rear side , at th top an opened shelf, underneath at the far outer side always 2 open square shelves, and in the middle of the wall between the open shelves always a drawer block with 6 drawers, the drawers labeled with white porcelain signs, both sides with sales showcases, both front showcases are paintedwith dark green color and with golden ornamentation, furnishings/stock: lectern, oil lamp, counter, tea jugs, glass bottles, tea cups, cups, scales, ladder, sponges,vessels, various tin cans, till, tape dispenser, paper bags, tea boxes, and much more, lovingly furnished shop with countless accessories, from that period and more recent, width: 61 cm / depth: 37 cm / height: 32 cm

No. 3591
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 330 €
c. 1810, wood-joint-doll, head and hull are made of one piece of carved wood, fine painted face, blue eyes, dotted line lashes, red mouth, black painted circular head with dynamic curls that frames the face, wood joints-body with 8 joints, forearms and hands are carved and coatedwith gesso, lower legs are coated with gesso, red painted, flat loafer, hand-sewed original clothes, red dress with white outer garment, light blue waistband made of silk, the 11 cm long scratch on the paintwork is caused of old age
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 3592
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 3000 €
wooden doll, «Josefine», c. 1815, wooden doll, head is made of wood, red mouth, black glass eyes without pupil, carved ears, high forehead, brown painted bun under wig, red wig with elaborate plaited hairstyle, immovable, bulging stuffed leather body, leather arms, forearms and hands are made of wood, very expressive worked hands with single fingers and thumb, long leather legs and feet, original Empire dress made of white silk, with many creases over the breasts, the high Empire waist is accentuate with a blue silk ribbon, 42 cm


No. 3593
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 330 €
Oberammergau, c. 1810, wood-joint-doll, head and hull are made of one piece of carved wood, fine painted face, black eyes, red mouth, black painted circular head with dynamic curls, neck was colorwise retouched, wood joints-body with 8 joints, carved forearms and hands and coated with gesso , lower leg coatedwith gesso , red painted, flat loafer, hand-sewed original clothes, christening robe, with a 8 cm long scratches on the paintwork that is caused of old age
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 3594
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 350 €
c. 1810, wood-joint-doll, head and hull are made of one piece of carved wood, fine painted face, blue eyes, dotted line lashes, red mouth, black painted circular head with dynamic curls that frames the face, wood joints-body with 8 joints, forearms and hands are carved and coated with gesso , lower legs coated with gesso , red painted, flat loafer, hand-sewed original clothes, red dress with white outer garment, the red waistband is made of silk, the 11 cm long scratches on the paintwork is caused of old age
Hammerprice: 350,00 €

No. 3595
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 520 €
big box with reverse glass painting with gilded ornamentation, c. 1830, the whole cover is a big reverse glass painting scene, an aristocrat woman holds a writing with a bad message and seeks solace at her companion, the picture is framed with a gilt frame, both sides with attached handles, cover inside with a big mirror, inside of the box lined with fabric with floral pattern, wooden casket is outside painted with dark green color, this color is a pretty contrast to the gold colored parts, casket with this size and in this condition are very rare , width: 30 cm/depth: 20 cm/ height: 13 cm


No. 3596
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 2200 €
medal made of tin with insert, 1814, front side: three bust portrait in uniform, circumscription:FRANZ I. KAI: V.OESTER. ALEXANDER I.KAI: V.RUSSLAND. FR.WIL.III KÖ: V. PREUSSEN. signed: Stettner, fec(it) Nbg, back side: standing Germania with sign and lance, with an oak branch that is winding around it, on the sign: GER/MA/NIA. circumscription: SCHOEN WIE DIE DEUTSCHE EICHE GRÜNT MEINES VOLKES GLÜCK contents: in the covers always a sheet with text and 6 double-sided colored picture and 6 double-sided text inserts with descriptions of the war events: 1st battle near Brienne on February 1st 1814, 2nd the battle near Chateau-Thierry February 14th 1814, etc. till 12th to the entry in Paris on March 31st 1814, signed G. Adam, in original wine-red round leather case with gold embossing, a distinguished rarity, probably the smallest history book in word and picture, compare: Schraubtaler und Steckmedaillen, E. Pressler


No. 3597
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 280 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, Milliner, exceptional hairstyle, at the side sloping plaits, hair at the back of the head is a plaited bun, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, slightly modelled breasts, white kid leather body, wood arms and legs, up-painted shoes, old clothes, is from the collection M. Bordner, 25 cm

Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 3598
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 90 €
China-Head (enameled porcelain), shoulder headed doll, 36 cm, modelled short hairstyle, plaited to the side , middle parting, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, exceptional leather body, 1 hand was supplemented, with stitched down feet and single stitched down toes, tip of the nose is slightly worn

Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3599
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 850 €
exceptional Chinahead-shoulder headed doll, probably KESTNER & Co., 68 cm, c. 1840, fine modelled hair, typical, stern Biedermeier hairstyle, middle parting with high broad braid crown bun, blue painted eyes, deep breast plate with intimitated breasts, fabric body, wood arms, nice original clothes, silk is caused of old age in worn condition, see "A pictorial Reference Guide for German Chinas", M. Gorham Krombolz, page 21


No. 3600
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 310 €
head made of enameled porcelain, breast plate with 3 sewing holed, red mouth, rose cheeks, blue painted eyes, very strong modelled black painted hairstyle: with a row of curls at the forehead from one temple to the other temple, hair is in big curls from the face to the back into a heavy, big braid bun , ears are partially uncovered, 14 cm
Hammerprice: 350,00 €

No. 3601
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 120 €
Madonna crown for an early doll, made of filigreesilver , with chasing, flowers, tendril and fit in colored stones, violet velvet lining, was probably once replaced, 14 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 3602
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
2 pieces, a small early doll with enameled porcelain head, exactly painted, red mouth, black eyes, red eyelid line, black painted modelled vertical ring of curly hair, wood joints body, right forearm is missing, pretty red dress with black ornaments, 5.5 cm, 1 enameled porcelain breast head, rose toned, red mouth, blue eyes, boys short hairstyle with fine brushstroke that surrounds the face, 2 sewing holes, 4 cm
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 3603
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 190 €
sheet metal bathtub with 14 bath dolls in different sizes and versions, dolls c. 4 cm
Hammerprice: 190,00 €

No. 3604
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 280 €
2 enameled porcelain chest heads, 1 ladies breast head "Dagmar", 2 sewing holes, red mouth, blue eyes, modelled pierced ears, black painted, modelled hairstyle, forehead with row of curls , ribbon, at back of the head also curls, 11 cm, 1 enameled porcelain head, modelled breasts, 2 sewing holes, rose toned, red mouth, blue painted eyes, rose cheeks, short middle parting, hair is combed out of face, at forehead fine brushstrokes, at the ears plait, the braid crown bun at the back of the head is very nice modeled, 8 cm
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 3605
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 310 €
head is made of enameled porcelain, deep breast plate with 2 sewing holes, modern breasts, red kindly smiling mouth, rose cheeks, blue painted eyes, unusual, extravagant , black painted strongly modelled hairstyle: broad plait around the whole head and is held together in the neck with a big double stitche, with middle parting that reachs under the plait, 14 cm
Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 3606
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 340 €
enameled porcelain head, deep, raised breast plate with 2 sewing holes, strongly sloping shoulders, orange-red mouth, blue eyes, very nice modern ears, black painted, strongly modern hairstyle: middle parting, multi-row braids, that end in the back of the head as plait, rare hairstyle, 15.5 cm
Hammerprice: 340,00 €

No. 3607
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 190 €
China-Head doll with fine small enameled porcelain breast head of a boy, red mouth, blue eyes, black painted hair, very fine brushstrokes from ear to ear, modelled ears, wood joints-body, with hands made of clay, very nice hands with fingers and thumb, the long legs are sewed into the clothes, originals clothes, thick long-sleeve top made of thick blue/white fabric, chausses are made of white cotton, fabric shoes are fixedwith ribbons on the legs, 22 cm
Hammerprice: 190,00 €

No. 3608
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 1400 €
mixed lot of 11 bristle dancers or Piano dolls, c. 1880, 7 of it are women in miscellaneous up-painted costumes, 4 men in miscellaneous up-painted costumes resp. traditional costumes, all made of carved wood and detailed painted, each doll standing on bristles that means the fine wires adsorb the vibrations of the piano and the legs starts to swing in the air, ready to dance, c. 5.5 cm, all bristle dancers are in the especially for it manufactured mirrored plexiglass box

No. 3609
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 620 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, USA, 30th March 1858, black modeled hair, ears are a bit prominent , deep breast plate on the back with GREINER-patent, fabric body, leather arms, single stitched down fingers, 1 finger is caused of old age missing, 62 cm, olddress


No. 3610
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
wood doll, c. 1870, painted eyes, carefull carved hair, fabric body, wooden arms with shovel hands, fabric-feet, 51 cm, white cotton clothes

Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3611
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 160 €
China porcelain doll, bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, enameled, around 1860, Germany, heavy porcelain, big blue painted eyes, black modelled curly hairstyle with middle parting, simple fabric body, slim waist, enameled forearms, single modelled fingers, bisque legs, 1 leg was glued, modelled shoes and socks, 53 cm

Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 3612
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
wax Madonna, around 1790/1800, France, shoulder headed wax doll, breast plate is torn in single parts, hair made of flax, black glass eyes, painted, fabric body, forearms and hands are made of wax, modeled single fingers, wax lower leg with single modeled toes, old silk dress, religious figure, 37 cm
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3613
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 140 €
China Head (enameled porcelain), shoulder headed doll, 18 cm, modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, stocky leather body with stitched down fingers, c. 1880

Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 3614
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 240 €
China Head (enameled porcelain), shoulder headed doll, 19 cm, modelled hair, ears slightly visible, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, stocky leather body with stitched down fingers, separate thumb, nice original traditional costume, nice size for an early room, c. 1840, this rose kid leather was often used for the papier-mâché dolls that were called Paulinen
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 3615
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 50 €
China-Head (enameled porcelain), shoulder headed doll, 42 cm, fine modelled hair, with modelled hairnet, fine painted fringe of hair around the face, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, leather arms, small pieces are missing at the breast plate down below , old clothes

Hammerprice: 400,00 €

No. 3616
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
China porcelain head doll, porcelain shoulder headed doll, enameled, around 1850, black, modelled hairstyle, blue painted eyes, broad brows, enameled bisque forearms, 1 arm was glued, stitched down fabric body, bisque feet, modelled boots and socks, old cotton dress, 25 cm

Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 3617
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 480 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, c. 1830, 54 cm, painted hair, with single painted hair that reach up to the face, blue painted eyes, modelled mouth, stocky leather body, with slim hip, wood arms, patch at body, wood hands, 1 hand is knocked


No. 3618
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 290 €
porcelain shoulder headed doll, enameled, around 1860/70, Thuringia, Germany, breast plate with 2 holes, tear over of the left rear shoulder plate, fine, black, modelled curls, 8 row of curls, in shafts combed, blue painted eyes, sitting fabric body with seat cushion, slim waist, stiff fabric arms with sewed on leather cloth hands, fabric legs, 55 cm, old dress, skirt is more recent

Hammerprice: 290,00 €

No. 3619
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 240 €
1870, papier mâché, shoulder headed doll, blue painted eyes, fine, modelled lip part, simple modelled earlobes, deep breast plate, with chest label on the back M&S, Superior 2015, fabric body, leather forearms, single stitched down fingers, dress is probably from that period, 57 cm
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 3620
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
China-Head, enameled porcelain, shoulder headed doll, modelled curly pinned-up hairstyle, blue painted eyes, slightly prominent earlobes, deep breast plate, wood forearms, thumbs are knocked, simple fabric body, slim waist, 55 cm, dress is sewed of old fabric

Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3621
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 320 €
porcelain shoulder headed doll, enameled porcelain, around 1850, Germany, breast plate with 2 holes, strongly sloping shoulders, short, stocky neck, black, modelled hair, blue painted eyes, bulging stuffed cotton body, slim waist, broad hip, body in very good condition, bisque porcelain forearms and legs, 42.5 cm, old underwear


No. 3622
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 250 €
porcelain shoulder headed doll, "China-Head", around 1850, Thuringia, deep, square, breast plate, with 2 holes and modeled arm attachment, lap shoulders, black modeled hair, blue, painted eyes, smiling mouth, minimally abrasion at the right cheek, bulging stuffed fabric body, slim waist, broad hip, enameled forearms, and feet, flat, black, painted ankle-high shoes, 42.5 cm, hand-sewed original dress, white bodice

Hammerprice: 250,00 €

No. 3623
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 1600 €
kitchen with chimney hood, c. 1840, width: 66 cm, height with feet: 80 cm, depth: 39 cm, original painting at wall and floor with chimney hood and fire place, fix fitted shelves, small cabinet, richly accessories, tin parts, copper parts, wood and ceramic, original paint outside, with table

No. 3624
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 620 €
small pharmacist box made of hardwood, with 2 thick double doors, inside always 5 drawers all with white porcelain signs labeled, inside are four drawers at the top, three open compartments and a drawer down below over the whole width of the box, labeled with miscellaneous, with are ointment jar, mortar, many glass vials, bowls, a syringe and much more, size: 56 cm, rare part

Hammerprice: 1800,00 €

No. 3625
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 220 €
dollhouse school, width: 52.5 cm, height: 28 cm, depth: 31 cm, furnished, dolls, porcelain and celluloid, with accessories
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 3626
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 260 €
wooden chest, colored, width: 40 cm, height: 25 cm, at the top 2 couples with castle, at the side floral decoration

Hammerprice: 350,00 €

No. 3627
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 1600 €
kitchen with chimney hood, c. 1840, width: 66 cm, height with feet: 80 cm, depth: 39 cm, original-painting at wall and floor with chimney hood and fire place, fix fitted shelves, small cabinet, richly accessories, tin parts, copper parts, wood and ceramic, original-paint outside, with table

No. 3941
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 90 €
girl, 45 cm, fabric head, seam at the back of the head is only visible under the wig , partially over painted, formation of spider lines, body is dirty and worn
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3942
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 90 €
doll No., 1 height, 44 cm, fabric head, 3 seams at the back of the head, arms were supplemented, painting is probably original, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 3943
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
doll No. 1, fabric head, 3 seams at the back of the head, slim hip, 45 cm, small flaws at neck, body is slightly dirty, on the sole KÄTHE KRUSE logo and No. 922189
Hammerprice: 330,00 €