Autumn Auction 2019
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No. 3431
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 6400 €
papier-mâché doll with extravagant hairstyle made of real hair, "Luise, die Harfenspielerin", c. 1832, breast head made of papier-mâché, blue eyes, red mouth with winning smile, modelled ears, Luise wears the original stunning brown real hair wig: multi-row curls at the temples, ears are uncovered, rose silk loops about the ears as the ending of the curl part, at the forehead directly behind the forehead with two small plaits, the two plaits connect right and left the head and the oversized hairstyle, the loop of the hairstyle reachs far out of the head, the kid leather body is bulging stuffed, leather arms and hands with stitched down fingers and single thumb, leather legs and feet, Luise wears her original dresses: an underpants, slip and her rose/cinnamon-colored tight silk dress, accessory: lira-harp made of wood, c. 32 cm, this dollis a museum piece, a comparable head is shown in the Sonneberger Spielzeugmuseum, Sonneberg


No. 3432
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 1900 €
Carton moulé
Carton moulé doll, nun from the convent Notre Dame de Fourvière, Fourvière is the oldest district of Lyon, c. 1780, head and hull are made of on piece of Carton moulé, short, stocky neck, typical painting of the Carton-Moulé dolls, heart-shapedred mouth , dark-blue eyes with oversized long black brow strokes, circular head, no wig because it wears a habit (veil), original, hand-sewed kid leather body, head and hull are made of Carton moulé, surrounded by kid leather, stomach and buttocks are bulging stuffed, upper arms are made of kid leather, forearms are made of wood with wooden hands (Griffes), immovable leather legs and feet, the doll is from the convent Notre Dame de Fourvière, it wears the original nun's habit of the convent and some devotianal medallions of this convent, it is a historico-cultural very interesting doll because it can be located to this specific convent, 24.5 cm see also "The collector’s Ecyclopedia of Dolls Vol. II", Coleman, page 220

No. 3433
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 800 €
early splendid small tea box made of hardwood with elaborate flowers and tendril inlaid work made of brass and ivory, early 19th century, the small box is lined with velvet and is separated in three compartments for the three porcelain tins, each box is gilded with old gold and at the top decorated with very romantic roses, flowers and leafage are painted, the cover is decorated with persons in beautiful early costumes , very complex painting, the both neck of the tins of the outer tins have a thin neck, this are tea boxes and the tin in the middle has a big broad cover and shall be used for sugar, splendid, early travel accessory for the upper class in the early 19th century, charming item , cover of the sugar bowl has a glued tear, 23 cm x16 cmx12 cm


No. 3434
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 7600 €
"Dorothee" Royal porcelain manufactory, Berlin, 1840-1844, marked with scepter and KPM in the blue underglaze, enameled porcelain breast head of exquisite quality, modelled breasts, 3 sewing holes, sloping shoulders, long neck, delicate face, fine, carefull painted features, red mouth, blue eyes, feathered grey brow lines, chocolate-colored painted strongly modelled hairstyle: middle parting, ribbon hair over the ears is tied to the back into a bun, fabric body with delicate fine enameled porcelain forearms and hands, enameled lower leg with light blue painted garters with loop, gentle light blue painted, flat shoes with black painted lacing and light brown sole, cotton slips and very nice elaborate hand-sewed light blue silk costume thtat were made for this doll , very expressive KPM-doll, is consistent from head to foot, broken and glued shoulder plate, the head is unaffected of it, this doll is from the famous collection of Estelle Johnston, doll with blue Ribbon, 1984, Estelle Johnston was writing about this doll in an article in the Doll Reader 1985 with the title "Cherishable China Dolls" 43 cm, see also "Die Puppen der KPM" Chr. Gräfnitz type F-2, anabsolute rarity


No. 3435
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 560 €
Kakelorum (a ball game), 1840, carved game of chance, consist of a marble tower, and circular board with point areas, carved tower, conic, the head of the tower is carved as king, carved face, red mouth, grey-blue eyes, carved nose, head-crown as marble opening, black painted, carved hair, white painted, carved neck, underneath starts the marble run, at the end of the tower is the hole, the ball comes out of the hole catapulted to the number field, with this Kakelorum (a ball game) was often played, Kakelorum a game for adults
Hammerprice: 560,00 €

No. 3436
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 6700 €
China-Head doll, "Regina", c. 1836, by the royal porcelain manufactory Meissen, marked with model No. W7 and Meissen swords and red 10, noble enameled breast head with very detailed modelled and painting, 3 sewing holes, white, pure porcelain, long neck, aristocratic features, modern chin with flesh color, orange-red cheeks, red mouth, nice modern nose with red nose points, blue painted eyes with black pupils, ring light, red dot on the corner of the eye, brown lash line, feathered brow line, high, circular forehead, wheatish painted hairstyle in typical Meissen style, single strands of hair are ae painted with lighter and darker shades of brown, middle parting, the side hair is tied back over the ears to a tight braid bun, modern braid parts, very high-quality head, in mint condition, bulging stuffed, white, hand-sewed kid leather body, forearms are made of enameled porcelain, very nice modern hands with single fingers, stocky leather legs and feet, Regina wears black socks and a wonderful hand-sewed Biedermeier dress made of cotton, violet with leafage pattern, camisole part istrimmed with piping (tapered) and at neck, big Chigot sleeve, wide skirt part with many pleats, the dress is suitable to the doll, 40 cm, see also: "Cieslik’s Lexikon der deutschen Puppenindustrie", page 161 picture 1065 and German Porcelain Dolls, M. Krombholz, page 20, this doll is a museum piece


No. 3437
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 60 €
bisque doll, marked 250, socket head, inset blue sleepy eyes made of glass with real hair lashes, bouche ouverte, 2 upper teeth, dark-brown real hair-wig, composition body, hand-sewed traditional costume, smaller faulty part under the wig, 48 cm

Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 3438
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 260 €
papier-mâché doll, breast plate with modelled breasts, typical breast plate form of the Johann F. Müller doll heads, a pieces of the breast plate is break off, blue inset eyes, smiling mouth, early sitting fabric body with inscription "Fuchs" on the backside and notations on the bottom of the foot, very early and rare papier-mâché arms with modelled elbows (no joint) right hand is missing, very nice original real hair wig, hand-sewed cotton-dress, tiered sleeves, Gesso layer is worn, that is unfortunately typically for the doll heads of J.F.Müller c. 60 cm

Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 3439
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
running doll, bisquit marked SFBJ, the doll runs, turns the head, moving the arms and has a voice, Bouche ouverte, dark-brown inset glass eyes, light brown real hair wig, composition body, stomach cover is removable for mechanism:, snippet for air supply for voice box, everything is original, jointed arms are hooked in the shoulder, so the doll can swing with the arms while walking, machine ca be wind up with key, locking knob at the right side of stomach, intact, original preservation, 60 cm

Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 3440
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 5200 €
Carton moulé
small Carton moulé-doll, "Ségoline", France, c. 1710, head and hull were modelled of one piece of Carton moulé, stocky neck, red, kindly smiling mouth, modelled nose with mouche on the tip of the nose, rose cheeks, blue painted eyes, broad black brow lines, broad forehead with mouche, hair is made of brown threads in curls, that is covered by the fontange, the fontange is made of a hood, and lace top in stepped height, wooden legs and feet, decorative original clothing from that period with elaborate produced details, 24 cm, the meaning of the mouche: mouche on the tip of the nose means: I'am cheeky, without qualm, mouche on the forehead means: I'am majestic, early doll, distinguished, is a museum piece and a rarity


No. 3441
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 90 €
bisque porcelain doll, marked SFBJ 301 Paris II, c. 1896, France, bouche ouverte, pierced ears, brunette real hair wig, blue inset glass eyes, composition body, cotton slip, 60 cm

Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 3442
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
felt-doll Lenci, Italy early 20th century, brown painted eyes, brunette real hair-wig, very nice and decorative original clothing made of felt, shoes made of felt, absolutely unused original condition, 43 cm

Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 3443
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 160 €
China-Head doll, c. 1850, Germany, breast head made of enameled porcelain, blue painted eyes, red mouth, black painted modelled hairstyle: white middle parting with vertical ring of curly hair, fabric body , upper arms are made of cotton, forearms and hands are made of enameled porcelain, fabric legs, lower leg and shoesare made of enameled porcelain, up-painted green garters, flat orange bootee with black edge, 29 cm

Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3444
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 160 €
China-Head doll, c. 1850, Germany, breast head made of enameled porcelain, blue painted eyes, red mouth, black painted modelled hairstyle: white middle parting with vertical ring of curly hair (20 row of curls), jointed fabric body , upper arms are made of cotton, forearms are made of carvedwood, carved hands with single stick-out thumb, fabric legs, stitched down knee joints, small point feet, 37.5 cm


No. 3445
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
China-Head doll probably KESTNER, c. 1840, early Biedermeier-doll with strict features, blue painted eyes, small red mouth, black painted hairstyle: white middle parting, vertical ring of curly hair, slim fabric body, extremities are made of wood, as at the Milliner ‘s model, old slips and a hand-sewed top


No. 3446
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
China-Head doll, Germany, c. 1860, breast head is made of enameled porcelain, blue painted eyes, red painted mouth, black painted strongly modelled vertical ring of curly hair, fabric body with sewed, flat bottom, body is probably older as the head, very nice, detailed carved arms and hands, fabric legs with appliquéd black shoes, 45 cm, blue silk dress

Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3447
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
China-Head porcelain doll, c. 1850, Germany, breast head is made of enameled porcelain, black painted hairstyle, vertical ring of curly hair, blue painted eyes, red mouth, fabric body in desolate condition, arms are made of fabric, legs are made of fabric with black cover, 28 cm

Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3448
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
China-Head, porcelain shoulder headed doll, c. 1850, German, breast plate enameled porcelain, black painted hairstyle, blue painted eyes, red mouth, leather body, single stitched down fingers, separate sewed on thumb, old cotton clothing

Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3449
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 160 €
China-Head doll, so-called "Wasserfall", c. 1850, deep, square breast plate, in the front and in the back each with three sewing holes, black painted , modelled hairstyle, tied back as roll and fixedwith a modelled hair slide , blue painted eyes, red painted mouth, tip of the nose is knocked, early fabric body, early long China porcelain arms with modelled elbows and hands, both hands with broken off fingers , old clothes

Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3450
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 280 €
wood-doll, a so-called Motschmann, wooden head with carved features, smiling mouth, inset brown glass eyes, childish expression, dark-brown painted hair bottom - typical for Motschmann-dolls, nice carved big ears, jointed head, put into the wood part of the upper body, fabric stomach with sewed-in squeaker, upper arms are made of fabric, forearms are made of carvedwood, detailed carved hands, thighs are made of fabric, lower leg are made of carvedwood , detailed carved naked feet, c. 28 cm, squeaker is intact

Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 3451
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 340 €
Grödnertal, small hawker doll, c. 1860, painted face, blue eyes, carved nose, red painted mouth, grey painted side hair, middle parting, black painted hair bottom, jointed wood body with 8 joints, forearms limed, lower leg limed with red painted loafers, doll wears the typical Peddlar traditional costume with red wool cape, made of different fabrics, wool, cotton and linen with different designs, as accessory it wears knitting utensils with scissors , 20 cm


No. 3452
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
head made of papier-mâché paper (newsprint) around c. 1900, modelled as clown, with distinctive hooknose, pleasant expression, pointed chin, modelled ears, without wig

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 3453
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
papier-mâché- reast head with black inset glass eyes, opened mouth with line of upper teeth, nose was colorwise retouched, black painted hair bottom, whole head was strongly over painted

Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3454
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 160 €
c. 1880, small bride, black eyes, red mouth, black painted hair bottom with middle parting, typical jointed wood body of the simpler Grödner doll, joints at hips and shoulders, whitewashed forearms, whitewashed lower legs with intimitated red painted shoes, dressed like a bride with bride hair ornaments, 17 cm

Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 3455
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 240 €
Grödnertal, Grödner-doll, c. 1833, head and hull made of one piece of conifer wood, nice painted face, blue eyes, red mouth, perfect preserved originals painting, middle parting, black painted hairstyle, middle parting, over the ears always 3 carved curls, carved bunat the back of the head , wood joints-body with 8 joints, limed forearms and hands , lower leg is limed, doll wears a bright cotton dress with tiered seam and is decorated with lace, c. 25 cm

Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 3456
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
papier mâché doll with covered with wax, c. 1870, Germany, breast head made of papier-mâché coated with thick wax film, modern face, smiling mouth, inset black glass eyes, blond inset (in s slit) mohair wig, fabric body upper arms made of fabric, forearms made of leather with stitched down fingers, legs and feet are made of fabric, old clothes, 70 cm

Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 3457
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 240 €
Brienzer wood joints doll, Brinz, Switzerland, 1915, socket head with carved features, blue painted eyes, red mouth, carved hairstyle: middle parting, carved strands of hair, braid crown around the whole head, the typical jointed wood body of the Brienzer dolls with 8 joints, carved arms and hands with fingers and single stick out thumb, carved legs and feet are made of wood, very nice original clothes, Bernese weekday traditional costume, 29 cm, doll in very nice original condition

Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 3458
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 240 €
Brienzer wood joint doll, Brienz, Switzerland, c. 1915, socket head with carved features, brown painted eyes, red mouth, carved hairstyle: middle parting, carved strands of hair, hair plaited a big bun, big detailed carved ears, typicalBrienzer doll jointed wood body with 8 joints, carved arms and hands with fingers and single stick out thumb, carved legs and feet are made of wood, very nice original clothes, Schaffhauser weekday traditional costume, 26 and 30 cm, doll in very nice original condition

Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 3459
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 220 €
bisque Mignonette marked: 749 Dep. 3/0, c. 1890, France, bisque socket head, smaller mouth with 4 teeth, inset brown sleepy eyes with real hair lashes, body is a composition of 10 joints, slips, original clothes sailors uniform, 23 cm
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 3460
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 280 €
China-Head doll, c., 1900, Germany, probably Dressel & Kister, breast head made of enameled porcelain, detailed modelled features, blue painted eyes, orange-red painted mouth, grey painted strongly modelled wavy hairstyle with modelled hair ornaments, upper part of the body is made of fabric, upper arms are made of fabric, forearms are made of enameled porcelain, very detailed modelled hands with fingers and thumb, lower body as tea cozy, very wide, very nice clothes of a nurse, dark blue skirt with white collar and white pinafore, 36 cm

Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 3461
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 120 €
breast head, papier-mâché, marked with label, M + S (Müller und Strassburger) Superior 2015, Strassburger was the son-in-law of the famous J. F. Müller, wide breast plate with sturdy neck, blue painted eyes, rose mouth, blond painted modern hairstyle, middle parting, vertical ring of curly hair, very nice condition


No. 3462
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 130 €
breast head, China-Head, wide breast plate with three sewing holes, blue painted eyes, red mouth, modern black painted hairstyle: white middle parting, vertical ring of curly hair


No. 3463
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 310 €
papier-mâché hood head, c. 1830, France, handpainted head and neck: big blue painted eyes, fine lash line, strong, broad brow lines, red dots in the corner of the eye, modelled nose similar to the Carton moulé dolls, red nose points, nose was colorwise retouched, red painted mouth, black painted head with dynamic big curls that frames the face, tube top, hood stand is dark-blue painted with black ornament, typical square opening, one piece is break off, the hood head wears a beautiful hood made of fine wicker straw, decorated with broad silk ribbons, the scratches on the paintwork are caused of old age , 43 cm

Hammerprice: 310,00 €

No. 3464
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 220 €
bisque music machine, flower girl, France, c. 1890, bisque socket head, is moving the head and nodding, inset glass eyes, composition body, fixed on a music box, movable hands with flowers, legs and feet are made of mass, intact, with key, covered in dust, 23 cm

Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 3465
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 280 €
China-Head doll, marked, c. 1878, enameled breast head, short, square breast plate, with appropiate arm attachment, modelled childlike face, blue eyes, orange-red mouth, chubby cheeks, half-covered, half modelled ears, modelled blond painted curls, leather body, leather arms with leather hands, stitched down fingers, single stick out thumb, stocky leather legs and feet, white cotton/lace dress, black socks, 55 cm

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 3466
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
China-Head doll, so-called "Jenny Lind 1820-1887" enameled breast head, high-quality head, tinted porcelain, massif, heavy porcelain (head weighs 366 gramm), blue eyes, red mouth, bad spot on the tip of the nose, broken out burntspot, black painted, strongly modelled hairstyle: middle parting, side hair in slight waves over the ears loose tied to the back, deep Jenny-Lind bun, tear at neck was glued, slim fabric body, forearms are made of porcelain, arms were subsequent supplement, legs and feet are made of fabric, multipartite clothes, 70 cm

Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 3467
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 450 €
hood head, signed, Paris, c. 1830, Biedermeier hood head, tube top made of pattern - that were especially produced for this hood heads- cut out and exactly glued on the papier-mâché workpiece, color:dark-blue , square opening in back,, short neck, nearly life-sized head that is made of papier-mâché, black painted, smooth circular head, pleasing, slightly wide-eyed face, modelled nose, red mouth and blue eyes , also made of cut out pattern, very typical for the manufacturer of hood heads, with hand-sewed hood from that period, made of light blue silk and lace, very decorative, colorwise retouched, 38 cm

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 3468
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 320 €
China-Head doll, so-called "Wasserfall", enameled breast head, deep, broad breast plate, with 3 sewing holes, modelled breasts, exactly modelled and painted face, big blue eyes, red mouth, skilful modelled and painted hairstyle: hair is smooth on the forehead, over the ears at the side of temples with cockscombs, pinned-up hair with small modelled coronet resp. comb, the whole face is framed with fine brushstrokes, body is made of linen, long forearms made of china, hands resp. fingers are missing, long, straight legs and feet are made of linen, fine cotton-underwear, raspberry-colored cotton dress, white socks, black leather shoes, see also: "A pictorial reference guide for german chinas", M. Krombolz, page 132

Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 3469
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 220 €
probably Alt, Beck & Gottschalck
China-Head doll, "Adeline Patti 1843-1919"c. 1865, enameled breast head, wide, raised breast plate with 2 sewing holes, short neck, blue painted eyes, red mouth, black painted modelled hairstyle: middle parting, hair with modelled strands over the ears, the ears are half modelled with a ring of combedcurly hair, typical hairstyle of A. Patti, jointed fabric body, leather arms and hands with stitched down fingers, fabric legs and feet, bordeaux-red dress in old style, 58 cm, see also: "A pictorial reference guide for german china", M. Krombolz, page 251

Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 3470
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 420 €
China-Head doll with inset glass eyes, enameled breast head, square, deep breast plate, 2 sewing holes, sloping shoulders, black, inset without pupil glass eyes, red mouth, modelled ears, black painted hair: middle parting, ring of curly hair with 11 curls, jointed fabric body, forearms and hands are made of China porcelain, detailed modelled hands, legs and feet are made of cotton fabric, lower leg is black/white striped, black sewed on leather boot with brass knobs, gold colored boot tip and heel, slips are made of cotton, very nice dress made of cotton cambric, doll wears a brooch by the former owner, crack over the right breast plate, typical body for the American market, Goldsmith?? see "Art of Dolls 1700-1940" M. Osborn page 102+85

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 3471
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 160 €
papier-mâché doll, so-called Paulinen type, c. 1840, papier-mâché breast head, pale features, inset black glass eyes without pupil, rose mouth, modelled ears, black painted hair bottom, flaws at neck, originals, light brown real hair wig, hand-sewed, bulging stuffed kid leather body with buttocks gusset, strongly formed calfs, leather arms and hands, stitched down fingers and single sticky-out thumb, legs and feet are made of kid leather, colorwise retouched, 68 cm, old cotton-dresses

Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 3472
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 520 €
papier-mâché doll, c. 1830, breast head is made of papier mâché, red, opened mouth with teeth and modelled tongue, black inset glass eyeswithout pupil, black painted circular head, holes of the former wig are visible, linen body, kid leather arms with gusset at the elbows, nice hands with single stitched down fingers, fabric legs and feet, the Empire-dress is made of cotton and a smaller bag, 74 cm

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 3473
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 280 €
papier-mâché doll, so-called Paulinen type, c. 1840, papier-mâché breast head, pale features, inset, without pupil, black glass eyes, rose mouth, modelled ears, black painted hair bottom, originals, light brown real hair wig, hand-sewed, bulging stuffed kid leather body with buttock gusset, strongly formed calfs, leather arms, worn hands, legs and feet are made of kid leather, single stitched down toes, 84 cm, old cotton dresses

Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 3474
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 440 €
Peddlar-doll made of wax with counter, c. 1830, breast head is made of papier-mâché and covered with thick wax, black glass eyes without pupil, red mouth, snub nose, black real hair wig, hand-sewed, immovable fabric body, forearms are made of leather, hands with three fingers and stick-out thumb, immovable fabric legs and feet, typical multipartite hand-sewed original clothing of a hawker doll, big wide-brimmed hat, knitted socks, a rough low shoe, counter with early range: 2 Grödner-torsos, buttons, spoon, threads, scallop and much more, doll 35 cm

No. 3475
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 810 €
bisque-doll, Jumeau, with mum-dad voice, c. 1885, socket head, bright complexion, opened mouth with line of upper teeth, very expressive blue glass eyes (paperweight), real hair wig with long ringlets, composition/jointed wood body with 10 joints, doll wears a white cotton shirt, mum-dad voice is intact, 66 cm


No. 3476
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 2200 €
papier-mâché doll the so-called Milliner’s model «Adelaida», c. 1830, breast head is made of papier-mâché, deep, square breast plate, strongly modern breasts, modern neck, modern head bent to the front, orange-red painted breast plate border, very nice and modern and painted face, Sonneberger-blue eyes, dark red painted slightly smiling mouth , extremely strongly modelled hairstyle: black painted hairstyle: short middle parting, at the top of the head with smooth front hair, side hair over the ears with broad curls and with several row of curls, hair at the top of the head is very high and fixed with modern hooked combs fixed, comb with feathers and leaves, on the other side 6 visible comb teeth, the comb teeth are fixing a small bun, at the whole back of the head is a broad plait that is the ending between back of the head and the oversized hair at the top (3 cm), hand-sewed kid leather body, very slim, at the descents of the extremities on both sides blue serrated paper ribbons, forearms and hands are made of carved wood, lower leg and feet are made of carved wood red painted slippers, hand-sewed slips and 2-part overgarments, is a museum piece doll


No. 3477
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 750 €
papier-mâché doll, so-called Milliner’s model, Adelaida, c. 1828, papier-mâché breast head with modelled breasts, blue framed breast plate, blue painted eyes, red mouth, black painted strongly modelled hairstyle: middle parting, curly tuftat the side and a tuft high over the head, plaited, sweeping brushstroke in forehead and at the temples, slim kid leather body with forearms and hands made of wood, carved, slim slim hands, stick out thumb, lower legs are made of wood, carved feet, yellow painted loafer, beautiful, hand-sewed original clothes made of cotton, trimmed with piping and strengthenedwith fishbone, dress of high couture, 40 cm,

Hammerprice: 800,00 €

No. 3478
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 680 €
papier-mâché doll, so-called Milliner’s model, Adelaida, c. 1828, papier-mâché breast head with modelled breasts, green-blue painted eyes, red mouth, black painted strongly modelled hairstyle: middle parting, curly tuft at the side and a tuft on the top of the head, plaited, several strands of hair are visible, slim kid leather body with forearms and hands made of wood, carved, slim slim hands, stick out thumb, lower legs are made of wood, carved feet, green painted loafer, very decorative original clothing made of cotton and tulle, 22 cm, doll is from the collection of Marianne Bodmer, Rüschlikon

Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 3479
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 480 €
papier-mâché doll, so-called Milliner’s model, c. 1840, deep, breast plate made of papier-mâché, modelled breasts, strongly sloping shoulders, blue painted eyes, red, kindly smiling mouth,, rose cheeks, stern, black painted, modelled hairstyle: middle parting, hair at the side in waves, over the ears combed back , in a, Grand, deep braid crown bun, modelled hair slide, typical Milliner body: very slim, immovable, hand-sewed kid leather body, blue paper ribbons at the descents of the extremities, forearms and hands are made of carved wood , lower legs are made of carvedwood, pointy feet, red painted loafer, hand-sewed, multipartite slips, rose 2-part cotton dress, 37 cm, very nice expression, see also M. Borger, page 33

Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 3480
Autumn Auction 2019
Limit: 120 €
papier-mâché doll, c. 1840, breast plate is made of papier-mâché, blue painted eyes, painting at one eye is broke off, red mouth, broad tear over the whole face, from the top of the head up to the nose, black painted circular head with slit for real hair wig, rests of the hair are available, modelled ears, bulging stuffed, hand-sewed kid leather body, leather arms and hands with stitched down fingers, single sticky-out thumb, leather legs and feet, doll wears socks, shoes and a decorative red wool dress, 34 cm

Hammerprice: 120,00 €