Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
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Complete catalog (2848 items)


No. 2610
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 450 €
KIBRI, shop, 75 cm wide, 39 cm tall, shopwindow at the side, shelves, back with drawers, stairs to the gallery, colorwise retouched, with counter and accessories

No. 2611
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 180 €
ERZGEBIRGE, zoo, installed on a wooden board, 30 cm by 55.5 cm, with 2 buildings and animals

No. 2612
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 550 €
meat market, 61 cm wide, 41 cm tall, 41 cm deep, fix fitted shelves, hoes for meals and equipment, were probably several times painted over, richly accessories, meals, pig parts, scales, wood, tin and tin pieces, a plumber work

No. 2613
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
ferris wheel, wood, homemade, c. 1910, 57 cm tall, filigree woodwork

No. 2614
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
ERZGEBIRGE, mine, wood/mass, with 12 figures, 36 cm wide, 22 cm tall

No. 2615
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 180 €
butter machine, 13.5 cm, good condition

No. 2616
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 180 €
MÄRKLIN, coffee roaster with circular cylinder, burner, 8 cm tall, good condition

No. 2617
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
meal carrier, 3 pieces, porcelain blue/white, 11.5 cm tall

No. 2618
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
mixed lot for a doll kitchen, 1 x meal carrier, 2 pieces, 11 cm, with blue/white bowl, porcelain, small boards and sieve

No. 2619
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
mixed lot of porcelain for a doll kitchen, blue/white, carafe, 6 cm, porcelain boards, 6 cm, 4 plates, cups, sieve

No. 2620
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 180 €
mixed lot of doll kitchen parts, 1 x spoon holder, with exceptional flower decor, 2 spoons are missing, 1 vinegar and oil holder, porcelain wall clock, chopping board and papboat, a nice mixed lot

No. 2621
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
mixed lot of accessories for a doll kitchen, 1 towel rack, probably ROCK & GRANER, 9 cm, 1 x bread box, "Unser täglich Brot gib uns heute" (give us our daily bread), 10 cm long, 1 egg stand, with eggs, 1 tea strainer, 11 cm

No. 2622
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
mixed lot of doll kitchen parts, , store cupboard, handpainted tin, 11 cm tall, 1 egg cupboard, lithographed tin, 6 cm, washing-up brush holder, lithographed tin, 12 cm

No. 2623
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
mixed lot of doll kitchen parts, lithographed tin, salt jar, flour jar, cloth holder, 6.5 cm tall, onion holder, blue varnished tin, without damage, porcelain-Fischbackform, salt bowl

No. 2624
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of doll kitchen parts, boxes, 8 pieces, lithographed tin, 2 x 3-cornered, asiatic design, 5 cm tall, lithographed tin, flour jar, 7 cm tall, good condition

No. 2625
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 60 €
tin lithographed box, Bensdorp´s, pure cocoa, Amsterdam, with flower decor, unusual, with knob, good condition

No. 2626
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of tin cans, 12 pieces, 4.5 cm tall, four of it 4-cornered, 6 circular, 1 box, 5 cm

No. 2627
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 150 €
mixed lot of lithographed tin boxes, 5 pieces, 1 x bread box, 6 cm, 2 x circular box, with knob, 1 x barleys, 6.5 cm, 2 4-cornered boxes, with knob, tea boxes, with unusual flower decor, a nice mixed lot

No. 2628
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
mixed lot of tin cans, 2 boxes made of lithographed tin, blue/white flower decor, 5 cm, 1 x coffee and 1 x Chocolat, 1 x jug, lithographed tin, 1 art nouveau flour jar, blue/white lithographed, 1 x unusual art nouveau box, finest drops, with knob, stamped tin, 1 kerosene stand, tinplate, 9 cm

No. 2629
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot bales of cloth and utensils for a fashion shop, different buttons, needles, bale of cloth, sewing threads

No. 2630
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of shop accessories, mass pastries, fruits, vegetable, sugar loafs, boxes, bottles, a bit stake, wooden boxes, porcelain parts

No. 2631
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
dollhouse doll, lady, bisque shoulder headed doll, arms and legs, grey put up hairs, with hair clip, old clothes, 13 cm

No. 2632
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, man with appropiated moustache, bisque forearms and legs

No. 2633
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, modelled hair, bisque arms and legs, fabric body, 15 cm, old clothes

No. 2634
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, appropiated moustache, bisque forearms and legs, fabric body, 15 cm

No. 2635
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, lady, with modelled bun, fix glued hat, bisque arms and legs, complex designed dress, fabric body, 17 cm

No. 2636
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 140 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, unusual Lord, with modelled sideburns, detached ears, bisque arms and legs, old clothes, 17 cm, fabric body, unusual

No. 2637
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, lady, with modelled bun, hat was fix glued on, bisque arms and legs, fabric body, 15 cm, old clothes

No. 2638
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, elderly gentleman, with modelled sideburns and schnauzer, bisque forearms, stocky standing body, green felt clothes, 13 cm, unusual

No. 2639
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, older lady, grey hair, modelled bun, bisque forearms and legs, 15.5 cm, old clothes

No. 2640
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, fine lady, with modelled blond hair, bisque arms and legs, 16 cm, fabric body, old clothes

No. 2641
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 130 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, grandmother, enameled grey hair with appropiated ribbon, dimple, bisque forearms and legs, 14.5 cm, fabric body, old clothes

No. 2642
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, elderly gentleman, bisque forearms and legs, fabric body, 14.5 cm, old clothes

No. 2643
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse doll, nun, wax head, modelled eyes, nose and mouth, wax arms, wood legs, 12.5 cm, old clothes

No. 2644
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, nun, bisque forearms, fitting body, 10 cm, old clothes

No. 2645
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 100 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, housekeeper, modelled blond hair, bisque forearms and legs, fabric body, 16 cm, old clothes, good condition

No. 2646
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 100 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, lady, with blond modelled hair, bisque forearms and legs, fabric body, 15 cm, good condition

No. 2647
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, cook, blond enameled hair, fix glued hat, bisque forearms and legs, fabric body, 14 cm, old clothes

No. 2648
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 100 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, man, with appropiated moustache, bisque forearms and legs, fabric body, 13.5 cm, old clothes, with tin golfclub

No. 2649
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, lady, modelled blond hair, bisque forearms and legs, fabric body, 16 cm

No. 2650
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
2 dollhouse dolls, bisque shoulder headed doll, fix inset glass eyes, wig, bisque forearms and legs, at 1 doll is 1 arm and 1 leg missing, 14 cm, old clothes

No. 2651
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
mixed lot of 3 pieces dollhouse dolls, bisque shoulder headed doll, 1 x man, slightly modelled sideburns, painted eyes, bisque forearms and legs, 14 cm, with lady, slight modelled blond hair, bisque forearms and legs, fabric body, 13 cm, with 1 child, bisque arms and legs, 9.5 cm, painted eyes

No. 2652
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse doll, Mignonnette, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, all-bisque, jointed head, arms and legs, 11.5 cm

No. 2653
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 60 €
dollhouse doll, bisque socket head, blue painted eyes, fix patched wig, all-bisque, jointed head, arms and legs, German, 11 cm

No. 2654
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 140 €
4 pieces dollhouse dolls, all-bisque, 7 to 9 cm, fix inset glass eyes, wig was fix glued on, jointed arms and legs

No. 2655
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 90 €
bisque shoulder headed doll, blond slight modelled hair with side parting, bisque arms and legs, fabric body, 15 cm, simple fabric dress

No. 2656
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 30 €
mixed lot of 10 all-bisque dolls, from 3.5 cm to 6 cm

No. 2657
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 40 €
4 dollhouse children, all-bisque, 3 of it with inset glass eyes, 1 x blue painted eyes, glued on wigs, 7 cm to 9 cm

No. 2658
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 70 €
3 dollhouse doll children, partially wood body, partially all-bisque, fix inset glass eyes, wigs were fix glued on, 10 cm to 11.5 cm, old clothes, good condition

No. 2659
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot 2 Biedermeier dollhouse dolls, 1 x lady, slightly modelled hair, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, old clothes, with 1 Biedermeier man, wood, jointed arms and legs, modelled hair, 6 cm

Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion GmbH
Lustgartenstr. 6
68526 Ladenburg
