Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
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No. 4295
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 750 €
A. STEINER, 7, signed A. 7 Paris, red stamp Parisien A7, 40 cm, pressed bisque socket head, jointed body, (body isn't original), clothes old or sewed of old fabric, old mohair wig
No. 4296
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 180 €
K & R, doll with porcelain head, marked 22, blue impish eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, mohair wig, on a mass toddler body, 42 cm, old clothes
No. 4297
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 160 €
doll with porcelain head, marked 199/13 Germany, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, with earring, real hair wig, fix glued on, please please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, from outside are no cracks visible, on a jointed mass body, fix wrists, knocked fingertips, 1 finger was supplemented, 59 cm, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, old leather shoes
No. 4298
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 140 €
KESTNER, doll with porcelain head, marked 262, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, real hair wig, hairline crack from the top of head to the left eye, on a sitting mass baby body, with stick-out toe, 68 cm
No. 4299
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 120 €
HEUBACH, Köppelsdorf, character doll, marked 342.6,5, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 teeth uppertop, tongue, mohair wig, on a mass toddler body, 66 cm, old clothes and shoes made of oilcloth, in box, probably original, cover is missing
No. 4300
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 70 €
BIEDERMEIER, bisque shoulder headed doll, not marked, modelled hairstyle, pierced ears, painted eyes, height 13 cm
No. 4301
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 40 €
porcelain dollhouse doll, marked 1, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, all-bisque body, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, 11 cm, in a traditional costume
No. 4302
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 120 €
BIEDERMEIER, mixed lot of 5 bisque shoulder headed dolls, enameled porcelain, with modelled hairstyles, between 4 cm and 5 cm
No. 4303
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 120 €
mixed lot of 3 porcelain Kewpies, 1 x marked Baby Bud Germany, with modelled shirt, jointed arms, 2 fingertips are break off, 13 cm, 1 x Kewpie, with wing, jointed arms, 10 cm, 1 x with jointed arms, appropiated shirt, not marked, 13 cm
No. 4304
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 120 €
Kewpie, marked O´Neill Copy right rose, jointed arms, small wing, 12 cm
No. 4305
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 120 €
MENGERSGEREUTH, porcelain factory, doll with porcelain head, marked PM 914, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, real hair wig, mass, baby with sitting body that was painted over, 24 cm
No. 4306
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 280 €
JUMEAU, doll with porcelain head, marked 1907, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, pierced ears with earring, real hair wig, jointed mass body with Jumeau stamp, pull voice is missing, 46 cm, clothes old or sewed of old fabric
No. 4307
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 280 €
TÊTE JUMEAU, marked DEP, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, with earring, real hair wig, on a French jointed mass body, jointed wrists, 55 cm, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, old shoes made of oilcloth
No. 4308
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 160 €
doll with porcelain head, marked 13613, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, pierced ears, with earring, real hair wig, jointed mass body, 66 cm, old leather shoes
No. 4309
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 220 €
doll with porcelain head, marked Made in Germany M 171, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, hairline crack from the top of head to the forehead and at the back of the head, real hair wig, on a jointed mass body, with ball-and-socket joint, 80 cm, old clothes
No. 4310
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 320 €
K & R, Kaiser baby, porcelain head, marked 100, painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, on a sitting mass baby body, stick-out toe, 26 cm, body was more used, color is wear down at the hands, arms and legs aren't nice drawn up
No. 4311
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 140 €
SIMON & HALBIG, doll with porcelain head, marked K&R 58, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, real hair wig, fix glued on, there are no cracks visible from outside, please please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, pierced ears, small chips at the ears, on a jointed mass body, 60 cm, clothes were new sewed of old fabric, shoes are made of oilcloth
No. 4312
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 650 €
pull game, porcelain head, marked 1, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, a little bit dust, mohair wig, wood body, height 35 cm, old clothes, turns the head and moves the arms up and down
No. 4313
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 800 €
Valkyrie, doll with porcelain head, marked Germany 7, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, with earring, real hair wig, jointed mass body, body ws painted over, 90 cm, old clothes, new shoes
No. 4314
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 1400 €
SIMON & HALBIG, doll with porcelain head, marked Heinrich Handwerck No. 8, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, with earring, real hair wig, jointed mass body, hands were painted over, 94 cm, old clothes
No. 4315
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 900 €
FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO., doll with porcelain head, marked 17,5, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, small chip at the left ear, real hair wig, jointed mass body, stronger used, 80 cm
No. 4316
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 60 €
papier mâché horse, on wheels, seat height 55 cm, without bridle, the flaked off paint parts are caused of old age
No. 4317
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 90 €
wax shoulder headed doll, head is bent to the side, fix inset blue glass eyes, wax over the eye area is completely torn, mohair wig, fabric body, fix stuffed, mass arms and lower legs, with modelled shoes and socks, 32 cm
No. 4318
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 460 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, real hair wig was glued on, fabric body, fix stuffed, forearms wood, carved, 65 cm, old clothes and underwear, 1 shoe is missing
No. 4319
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 450 €
MASON & TAYLOR, Springfield, Vermont, rare American wooden doll, c. 1880, blond, modelled hair, painted eyes, head and chest are varnished, hands and bootsare made of metal, the scratches on the paintwork are caused of old age, undressed, 29 cm
No. 4320
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 60 €
bisque shoulder headed doll, painted eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, real hair wig was glued on, breast plate is marked with a 4, height c. 10 cm
No. 4321
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 350 €
BAEHR & PROESCHILD, doll with porcelain head, marked 6047, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, 2 modelled teeth, real hair wig, on a sitting baby body made of mass, with stick-out toe, 40 cm, clothes are new
No. 4322
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 60 €
wicker furniture for dolls, 4-pieces, bench, seat height 15 cm, 2 armchairs, 1 table, 24 cm in diameter
No. 4323
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 40 €
doll's seesaw, for 2 dolls, wood, length 65 cm
No. 4324
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 750 €
dolls cupboard, 90 cm height, 65 cm broad, down below 3 drawers, around 1900, c. 50 pieces porcelain, blue/white, cups, plate, jugs, cans
No. 4325
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 650 €
BIEDERMEIER, doll, China-Head, enameled porcelain, around 1875, blond, strong modelled hairstyle, blue painted eyes, fabric body, mass forearms, old clothes and underwear from this period, with leather shoes and hood, 66 cm
No. 4326
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 1200 €
BIEDERMEIER, PARIAN-shoulder headed doll, with exceptional hairstyle, fine modelled, modelled hair slide, uncovered ears, pierced, with original red earring, blue, painted eyes, closed mouth, exceptional fabric body with wood arms and legs, up-painted gloves with buttons, up-painted boots with heel, with knee socks, silk clothes, c. 65 cm, around 1860, very good condition
No. 4327
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 650 €
BIEDERMEIER, doll, deep down breast plate, around 1860, enameled porcelain, China-Head, modelled, black modelled hairstyle with middle parting, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, papier mâché arms and lower leg, fabric body, 56 cm, silk dress and underwear, dress was sewed of old fabric, with hood
No. 4328
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 450 €
papier mâché-shoulder headed doll, head is bent to the side, fix inset brown paperweight eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, fabric body, mass arms, nice old clothes and underwear, c. 1880, 39 cm, small crack at eye, and over the nose
No. 4329
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 850 €
China-Head, enameled full head, with mohair wig, painted, blue eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, porcelain forearms with fine modelled hands, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, c. 1860, 66 cm, extreme rare
No. 4330
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 220 €
AM, 370, shoulder headed doll, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, dimple at chin, leather body with porcelain forearms, 4 fingers are missing, red, worn silk dress, old underwear, 51 cm, blond real hair wig
No. 4331
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 850 €
PARIAN, bisque shoulder headed doll with strong modelled, blonder hairstyle, uncovered ears, blue, painted eyes, closed mouth, leather body, porcelain forearms, old clothes, underwear, leather boot, c. 1870, 58 cm, nice original condition
No. 4332
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 350 €
papier mâché, shoulder headed doll, 44 cm, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, fabric body, mass forearms, nice, old clothes and underwear, c. 1890
No. 4333
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 900 €
Biedermeier doll, China-Head, enameled porcelain, 65 cm, shoulder headed doll, black, fine modelled hairstyle with middle parting, blue, painted eyes, closed mouth, early, exceptional kid leather body with broad hip and separate stitched down fingers, original clothes, underwear, red shoes, with a Biedermeier brooch, c. 1870, very nice original condition
No. 4334
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 950 €
BIEDERMEIER, doll, China-Head, 64 cm, enameled shoulder headed doll, stsrong modelled black hairstyle, middle parting, with a plait in the back, nice kid leather body, with broad hip, enameled porcelain forearms, old silk dress, silk is caused of old age worn out, upper part was supplemented, nice old, complete underwear, old leather shoes, old socks, both are caused of old age a little bit worn out, c. 1860, color is wear down at the hair, nice original condition
No. 4335
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 490 €
Biedermeier doll, China-Head, enameled shoulder headed doll, c. 1860, modelled, black hairstyle, blue, painted eyes, closed mouth, linen body, enameled, long forearms, enameled legs with up-painted garter, flat, up-painted shoes, 1 leg was glued, old clothes and underwear, 46 cm
No. 4336
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 220 €
China-Head, enameled shoulder headed doll, blond, modelled hair, blue, painted eyes, closed mouth, breast plate with appropiated golden chain, leather body, bisque arms, old crochet dress, c., 1880, 32 cm
No. 4337
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 450 €
type Alice, enameled shoulder headed doll, blond, modelled hair, frei lying ears, modelled hairband, blue, painted eyes, closed mouth, linen body with jointed wood-mass arms, dress and underwear are from this period, 1 shoe is missing, c. 1880, 44 cm
No. 4338
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 850 €
unusual Parian, shoulder headed doll, Biedermeier, 45 cm, c. 1870, fine modelled hair, unusual hairstyle, blue, painted eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, earring, modelled decollete with blue and red ribbon, intimitated chain, leather body with porcelain forearms, clothes and underwear from this period
No. 4339
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 1050 €
BIEDERMEIER, exceptional China-Head, enameled shoulder headed doll, fine modelled blond hair with appropiated rose, uncovered pierced ears, in the back a plait with ribbon, modelled decollete with ribbon, leather body, bisque forearms, 1 finger is knocked, clothes from this period with underwear, very nice expression, 45 cm
No. 4340
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 350 €
Parian, Biedermeier doll, bisque shoulder headed, blond, fine modelled hair, blue, painted eyes, closed mouth, linen body, bisque forearms, unusual bisque legs with red modelled boots, old clothes and underwear, c. 1880
No. 4341
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 650 €
Parian, shoulder headed doll, fine modelled hairstyle with appropiated hairband, in front a ribbon, pierced ears, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, leather body, porcelain forearms, 1 hand was repaired, old clothes, underwear, 42 cm
No. 4342
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 750 €
Scot, bisque shoulder headed, fine modelled, blond hair, blue, fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, linen body, bisque forearms, original dressed like a Scot, bisque legs with up-painted shoes, 1 foot was repaired, 36 cm, around 1870
No. 4343
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 480 €
Scot, unusual bisque shoulder headed boy, blue, painted eyes, modelled hair, closed mouth, leather body, original dressed like a Scot, 21 cm, around 1870
No. 4344
Spring Auction April 1st / 2nd, 2011
Limit: 180 €
wood coach, 37 cm, nice painting, complex produced, nice doll decoration