Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
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No. 4065
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 30 €
3 parts celluloid, 1 doll dressed like a squirt, 8 cm, 1 girl, 8.5 cm, 1 small,. boy with soldier clothes, 9 cm

No. 4066
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 40 €
SCHILDKRÖT doll with stiff legs, early, turtle without lozenge, 13.5 cm, exceptional hairstyle, good condition (slight eye painting)

No. 4067
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 40 €
PAUL HUNAEUS rare doll, 14 cm, fix head, modelled hair, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, very good condition (small tender spot at a leg)

No. 4068
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 40 €
SCHILDKRÖT rare doll, type "Inge", 19 1/2 cm, fix head, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, was repaired at legs

No. 4069
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 40 €
SCHILDKRÖT 3 parts celluloid, baby in a cushion, 7.5 cm, 1 baby 14 cm, doll with stiff legs, 1 baby with sitting body 10 cm, very good condition

No. 4070
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 60 €
SCHILDKRÖT 3 parts celluloid, "Inge", 19 1/2 cm, girl with glued on wig, 19 cm, 1 "Strampelchen", celluloid, 12.5 cm, everything with a very good condition

No. 4071
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 70 €
3 parts celluloid, rare baby, marked beetle symbol, Germany, Schildkröt baby, 14 cm, pre-war era, 1 Schildkröt baby 14 cm, back of the head was repaired, otherwise everything with a very good condition, old clothes

No. 4072
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 40 €
celluloid girl, signed beetle symbol, 15.5 cm, fix head, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, with a small doll with stiff legs, girl, not marked, modelled headband, 13 cm, good condition

No. 4073
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 30 €
3 parts celluloid, SCHILDKRÖT Inge, 9 1/2 cm, small doll with stiff legs and with pageboy style, 8 1/2 cm, 1 MINERVA girl, 12.5 cm, slim long legs, modelled shoes and socks, old clothes, good condition

No. 4074
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 40 €
SCHILDKRÖT doll with stiff legs, celluloid, turtle in lozenge, 8 cm, up-painted clothes, modelled hair, with appropriate girl, arms at the girl were later fixed from outside, glued to an original cardboard sheet, good condition

No. 4075
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 40 €
JUNO rattle, celluloid, with figure, 15 cm, very good condition

No. 4076
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 20 €
SCHILDKRÖT doll with stiff legs, in lozenge, 9.5 cm, modelled sailor clothes, very good condition, glued on an original cardboard sheet

No. 4077
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 60 €
JUNO 2 parts, celluloid, pre-war era, 7 cm, boy, with appropiated clothes, carrying a ball in the hand, tender spots at head, otherwise good, 1 girl, modelled clothes with hood, very good condition

No. 4078
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 60 €
JUNO 2 parts celluloid, 7 cm, modelled clothes with hood, with suitable small girl, with doll, 5 cm, good condition

No. 4079
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 40 €
SCHILDKRÖT mask face, Max & Moritz, turtle without lozenge, very good condition, early, rare

No. 4080
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 25 €
SCHILDKRÖT celluloid, mask, Max, very good condition

No. 4081
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 20 €
SCHILDKRÖT mask, Santa Claus, celluloid, turtle without lozenge, early, rare, very good condition

No. 4082
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 20 €
SCHILDKRÖT mask, lion face, turtle without lozenge, very good condition, early, rare

No. 4083
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 20 €
SCHILDKRÖT celluloid, mask, man with moustache, turtle without lozenge, very good condition, unusual

No. 4084
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 30 €
celluloid, 2 faces rattle, smiling and crying face, German, 14.5 cm

No. 4085
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 90 €
SCHILDKRÖT Mambie, 35/40, celluloid, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, good condition

No. 4086
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 40 €
SCHILDKRÖT doll, black, model SKN, turtle in lozenge, 30 cm, c. 1930, original raffia skirt, socket head, painted eyes, baby with sitting body, arms and legs are shining in another way with ultraviolet-light, otherwise very good condition, original raffia skirt

No. 4087
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 90 €
SCHILDKRÖT type Paul Hunaeus, black, 28 cm, Igodi head, fix inset brown glass eyes, rare, good condition

No. 4088
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 280 €
K & R celluloid, Dreambaby, 775/2, black, 35 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, celluloid baby with sitting body, a bit used, good condition, absolutely rare

No. 4089
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 120 €
KOHL & WENGEROTH rare celluloid doll, mulatto, 27 cm, socket head, painted eyes, open/closed mouth, baby with sitting body, worned places in face and arms and legs, rare

No. 4090
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 30 €
BRUNO SCHMIDT baby, black, 30/33, socket head, painted eyes, open/closed mouth, baby with sitting body, 1 arm, and 1 leg were retouched in color

No. 4091
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 120 €
SCHILDKRÖT girl, type "klein Ella", black, celluloid, 26/32, fix inset brown glass eyes, open mouth, teeth and tongue, standing celluloid body, glued on mohair wig, good condition, rare

No. 4092
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 120 €
K & R 728/2, black, celluloid, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, open mouth, teeth and tongue, standing celluloid body, mohair wig, good condition

No. 4093
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 30 €
SCHILDKRÖT "Christel", black, 25 1/2 cm, fix head, modelled hair, good condition, 1 arm was retouched in color

No. 4094
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 60 €
SCHILDKRÖT baby, black, on a sitting body, baby 1925, 26 cm, socket head, brown, fix inset glass eyes, good condition

No. 4095
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 140 €
PAUL HUNAEUS celluloid doll, black, 40 cm, Igode head, fix inset brown glass eyes, open/closed mouth, standing celluloid body, very good condition, rare

No. 4096
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 35 €
SCHILDKRÖT "Strampelchen", black, celluloid, 25 cm, fix head, painted eyes, baby with sitting body, good condition

No. 4097
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 80 €
SCHILDKRÖT Bebi, black, on a sitting body, Bebi 1925, 30 cm, celluloid, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, modelled hair, very good condition

No. 4098
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 130 €
SCHILDKRÖT baby, 1910 (emperor-baby), black, celluloid, turtle without lozenge, early, very good condition, absolutely rare, 30 cm

No. 4099
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 60 €
SCHILDKRÖT baby 1910 (emperor-baby), turtle without lozenge, black, 20 cm, fix head, painted eyes, with scratches on the paintwork of an eyelid, very good condition, rare

No. 4100
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 40 €
SCHILDKRÖT baby 1925, black, body marked 35, marked at head 30/25, sligth color deviations between head and body

No. 4101
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 70 €
SCHILDKRÖT Mambie, marked at head 30, body 35, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, old clothes, old earring, very good condition

No. 4102
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 40 €
SCHILDKRÖT Mambie, celluloid, 22 1/2 cm, fix head, painted eyes, original raffia skirt, very good condition

No. 4103
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 60 €
SCHILDKRÖT model baby 1925, 25 1/2 cm, fix head, painted eyes, original raffia skirt, with earring, slightly used,

No. 4104
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 120 €
SCHILDKRÖT type Paul Hunaeus, celluloid, 40 cm, Igodi head, fix inset brown glass eyes, standing body, very good condition

No. 4105
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 80 €
MINERVA baby, black, 34 1/2 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, wig, baby with sitting body, good condition

No. 4106
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 80 €
SCHILDKRÖT K & W 298/7, black, socket head, brown impish eyes (eye mechanism is slightly caught), open mouth, teeth, celluloid baby with sitting body

No. 4107
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 60 €
MINERVA boy, black, 36/37, celluloid, socket head, brown painted eyes, good condition

No. 4108
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 60 €
SCHILDKRÖT Mambie, 30/26, celluloid, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, standing body, good condition

No. 4109
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 20 €
MINERVA boy, black, 25 cm, pre-war era, celluloid, socket head, body probably converge in color, used

No. 4111
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 90 €
SCHILDKRÖT Mambie 35/39, body designation 41, socket head, brown glass eyes, good condition

No. 4112
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 180 €
SCHILDKRÖT klein Erna, "Miblu", shoulder headed doll, SiR, 45 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, open/closed mouth, intimitated teeth, oilcloth body, celluloid arms and legs, good condition, old clothes

No. 4113
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 600 €
SCHILDKRÖT "klein Erna", celluloid, marked at head 40, body 50, modelled pageboy style, fix inset brown glass eyes, open/closed mouth, celluloid jointed body, head was colorwise retouched, just with ultraviolet-light visible, very good work, body good, absolutely rare

No. 4114
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 350 €
SCHILDKRÖT girl, head with appropiated hair slide, marked at head 45/55, body marked 55, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, fine modelled hair, rare jointed celluloid body, back of the head, and 1 leg were repaired, just with ultraviolet-light visible, very goode work

No. 4115
Toy auction Sept 30 and Oct 6/7, 2006
Limit: 750 €
SCHILDKRÖT model 6, marked at head 45/55, body marked 55, strongly modelled hair, fix inset brown glass eyes, open/closed pout, rare jointed celluloid body, 1 arm was a bit repaired, is just with ultraviolet-light visible, one of the most beautifull and rare Schildkröt dolls

Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion GmbH
Lustgartenstr. 6
68526 Ladenburg
