Winter auction 2023
Online Catalog
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Complete catalog
No. 153
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
doll's/dollhouse decoration pieces, different periods, treasure chest
Hammerprice: 130,00 €
No. 154
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of doll clothes, small and middle size, shoes, umbrella, 1900-40
Hammerprice: 260,00 €
No. 155
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
building, figures, different periods, different sizes, partially good condition, partially patches with flaws, or pieces for restoring
Hammerprice: 45,00 €
No. 156
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
pin-cushion, with dogs, 8 cm, unusual, horseshoe with dog, partially with scratches on the paintwork that are caused of old age
Hammerprice: 180,00 €
No. 157
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
small parts, figures, roundabout, train, for a dollhouse toy shop
Hammerprice: 130,00 €
No. 158
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
doll's replacement parts, shoulder headed doll, wood, colored, original painting, breast plate width: 7.5 cm, SCHILDKRÖT shoulder headed doll, MINVERVA, shoulder headed doll, celluloid, some small porcelain heads, arms celluloid, 2 pieces, cone with celluloid mask head
Hammerprice: 260,00 €
No. 159
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of bears, pre- and postwar era, among it SCHUCO Yes/No bear, 1 arm is loose add, stronger used, eyes are missing, 1 bear clock mechanism Russia, clock mechanism is intact, some bears, mostly used, different manufacturers, 1 monkey
Hammerprice: 240,00 €
No. 160
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of dolls, SCHILDKRÖT baby with head with flange neck, fabric body, 46 cm, SCHILDKRÖT baby, 1910, without lozenge, 1 arm is missing, Celluoid doll, Minerva, mass doll, type Bärbel, muschelkalk doll, legs missing, mass- doll, fabric body, AM porcelain head doll, squirted porcelain, body is disassembled, porcelain shoulder headed doll, restored head
Hammerprice: 150,00 €
No. 161
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
bisque porcelain head doll, marked 131, 28 cm, blue Intaglio-eyes, slightly opened/closed mouth, dimple at chin and cheeks, baby with sitting body, old clothes
Hammerprice: 100,00 €
No. 162
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
151, bisque porcelain full head, character baby, 31 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, modelled teeth and tongue, baby with sitting body, with different postures of hands and slightly stick-out toe, old clothes, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism
Hammerprice: 150,00 €
No. 163
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
2 pieces, bisque porcelain head dolls, HEUBACH, 342, 36 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, baby with sitting body, old mohair wig, BRUNO SCHMIDT, small bisque porcelain head doll, 25 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 90,00 €
No. 164
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 45 €
bisque porcelain socket head, baby, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth , tongue, mark in the neck H.W. 1351/35 6 1/2, toddler body, 1 finger is break off, clothes are resewed, old shoes, wig more recent, 37 cm
Hammerprice: 70,00 €
No. 165
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
2 pieces, dolls, HW1351 35, bisque porcelain character baby, 35 cm, K&R / SIMON & HALBIG 126, bisque porcelain character baby, 34 cm, blue impish eyes, a bit askew, old mohair wig, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, Toddler-body, used, 1 finger is missing, old clothes, 1x small black bisque porcelain head doll, ARMAND MARSEILLE, loose rubbers, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism
Hammerprice: 70,00 €
No. 166
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
2 pieces, bisque porcelain head dolls, K&R22 46, character-baby, 45 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, baby with sitting body, with built-in voice, bisque porcelain head doll, marked PM 1914, head cover, fix glued on, wasn't removed, from outside are no flaws visible, the eyes were afterwards fix inset, fitted voice, 1 doll body, fabric
Hammerprice: 120,00 €
No. 167
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
treasure chest, dollhouse furniture, '30s, 2 games, Salta, completeness wasn't checked, some dollhouse porcelain parts, 1 horse fabric covered, on wooden wheels, length: 33 cm
Hammerprice: 100,00 €
No. 168
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
treasure chest, marbles, crank and lamp, '50s, some tin parts, small items, some pewter figures blanks, not painted
Hammerprice: 70,00 €
No. 171
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot replica, among it 1x original-STEIFF-replica Milchbär, and Dolly-bear, replica from 1913, in 3 different versions, very nice condition, and Teddy-Rose, teddy baby, and more, please have a look at it, unused condition
Hammerprice: 450,00 €
No. 172
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 45 €
mixed lot, 8 pieces, cock, with button and breast sign, 2 x owl Wittie, kangaroo with baby, mostly very good condition, not complete
Hammerprice: 70,00 €
No. 173
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 45 €
mixed lot with 8 pieces, 1 x llama, with button and breast sign, very good condition, turtle Slo, dog Hexie and more, mostly good condition, not complete
Hammerprice: 70,00 €
No. 174
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 45 €
mixed lot, Steiff animals, 13 pieces 1 x rams, standing, hedgehog, hand puppet raven, 2 x Bibbie, mostly good condition, not complete
Hammerprice: 220,00 €
No. 175
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
early enameled shoulder headed doll, short black modelled hair, blue painted eyes, restored breast plate, enameled forearms, body is more recent, enameled lower leg, old cotton clothing, 1 x early wood doll cradle, around 1880, decorative
Hammerprice: 60,00 €
No. 253
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of doll clothes, mostly white laundry, mostly 1900-20, some pieces are more recent
Hammerprice: 260,00 €
No. 254
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
big mixed lot of doll clothes, 1910-'50s
Hammerprice: 45,00 €
No. 255
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of doll clothes, 1930-'50s, dresses, socks
Hammerprice: 180,00 €
No. 256
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
2 pieces, boy and girl, more recent production, as good as new in original box, 52 cm
Hammerprice: 260,00 €
No. 257
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
"Die fleißige Puppenmama kleidet ihre Puppen alle selbst", nice multicolored lithographed original box, with instruction booklet and pattern, around 1900
Hammerprice: 350,00 €
No. 258
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
"Die kl. Puppenköchin", cookbook for the doll kitchen, Bertha Heyde, with colored illustrations, small cookbook for the doll kitchen, Schreiber, condition 3
Hammerprice: 160,00 €
No. 259
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
embroidery box, instruction booklet, "Die fleißige Puppenschneiderin", with pattern, no reprints, original
Hammerprice: 360,00 €
No. 260
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
bisque porcelain head doll, marked X29, 55 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body, old mohair wig, old clothes and shoes
Hammerprice: 240,00 €
No. 261
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
wax coated papier mâché doll, 54 cm, blue sleepy eyes, mohair wig, leather body, porcelain arms, 1 finger is break off, old clothes and shoes, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism
Hammerprice: 150,00 €
No. 262
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, c. 1850, 68 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes without pupil, pierced nostrils, visible ears, head was partially colorwise retouched, fabric body, leather arms, some fingers are missing, old clothes
Hammerprice: 280,00 €
No. 263
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of doll clothes, swaddle wrap, single items, lace, dresses, 1900-'50s, extensivebig
Hammerprice: 300,00 €
No. 264
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of games, card game, with pieces and game guidance in wooden box, card game "Jeu du main jaune", multicolored lithographed original box, with pieces, without card game, completeness wasn't checked
Hammerprice: 15,00 €
No. 265
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
"Berner-Messe"playing, a funny party game, W. Kaiser, Berne, original box, multicolored lithographed, board game, with pieces, stake, boards and game guidance, probably as far as possible complete, good condition, c. 1910
Hammerprice: 160,00 €
No. 266
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
game, lottery, numbers game, game board, pieces, without game guidance, original wooden box, around 1900
No. 267
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of games, puzzle, multicolored lithographed original box, completeness wasn't checked, picture dominoes, game board, without game guidance, original box, "Neuestes Lotto", in original- box, probably as far as possible complete, with game guidance, 1 dominoes
Hammerprice: 45,00 €
No. 268
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of games, numbers lottery, without game guidance and accessories, siege game, dominoes, draughts, horserace, compendium, 6 pewter figures, board game, without game guidance, big number of pieces, 1 box, 1 putting game, Meteor, ANKER, original box, multicolored lithographed, probably as far as possible complete
Hammerprice: 50,00 €
No. 269
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
2 pieces, games, "Miau Miau Katzenspiel", 1 figure is missing, box is partially worn, "La course de chevaux", horserace game, with 7 tin riders, in original box, with game guidance and accessories, probably as far as possible complete, completeness wasn't checked, 1 side strap at box is missing
Hammerprice: 15,00 €
No. 270
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of Christmas tree decoration, big chain, c. 2 m, small chain, several balls, glass parts, cone, Santa Claus, birds, different periods
Hammerprice: 80,00 €
No. 271
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
Christmas tree decoration, smooth fairy hair, hoarfrost, 1 christmas tree, decorated with candles, 29 cm
Hammerprice: 180,00 €
No. 272
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of Christmas tree decoration, big ball, probably Biedermeier, with a diameter of: 15 cm, loss of paint inside, 1 Christmas tree stand, casting, some cardboard eggs, christmas tree pieces, more recent
Hammerprice: 60,00 €
No. 273
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of dollhouse miniatures, different materials, some small games, rattles, 2 musical instruments, mostly around 1900
Hammerprice: 260,00 €
No. 274
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
dollhouse decoration pieces, sacral, mostly tin, for a small dollhouse house altar
Hammerprice: 150,00 €
No. 275
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot with 3 pieces, bear, 62 cm, rose, partially a bit bleached out, probably SONNEBERG, 1 baby body, with jointed wrists, size without head: 32 cm, 1 bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, 54 cm, blue impish eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, leather body, celluloid forearms
Hammerprice: 100,00 €
No. 276
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot of doll books, KESTNER, King of Dollmakers, "Die schönsten Puppen" from the SIMON & HALBIG, "Orientalen", Lydia Richter, "Charakter-Puppen", Lydia Richter, "Franz. Porzellan-Puppen", Lydia Richter, condition 1-2
Hammerprice: 35,00 €
No. 277
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
Christmas pyramid with angel band, height: 41 cm, wood in original box
Hammerprice: 220,00 €
No. 278
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
WENDT & KÜHN, money box, "Sternenkind", 1 roundabout, with a diameter of: 10.5 cm, clock mechanism is intact, 1 figure is loose add, 1 roundabout, height: 18 cm, good condition, clock mechanism is intact
Hammerprice: 110,00 €
No. 279
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
big mixed lot WENDT & KÜHN, more recent production, figures, individual parts, Christmas stars, some empty boxes, some pieces GÜNTHER REICHEL
Hammerprice: 360,00 €
No. 280
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot with 23 pieces mostly WENDT & KÜHN, angels musicians, different periods, mostly good condition
Hammerprice: 80,00 €
No. 281
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 10 €
mixed lot with c. 20 pieces, mostly WENDT & KÜHN, musicians, angel, piano, hares, different periods
Hammerprice: 130,00 €