Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Online Catalog
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Complete catalog (1249 items)


No. 864
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

marked A-15-M, bisque porcelain head doll, 80 cm, exceptional size, blue sleepy eyes, eye mechanism is a bit more recent, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, jointed body, was colorwise retouched, old real hair wig
Hammerprice: 201,00 €

No. 865
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

1076 14, 74 cm, bisque socket head, the brown glass eyes were probably afterwards fix inset, French jointed body, was colorwise retouched, one thighs with stronger flaked off mass part, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 151,00 €

No. 866
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

352.-8.K., 55 cm, full head, fix sitting glass eyes, please note that it is risky to transport the eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, baby body, 1x painted over, doll has at delivery at the back of the head a small hole for put on a wig
Hammerprice: 121,00 €

No. 867
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

352.7.K., colored character baby, squirted porcelain, 52 cm, brown sleepy eyes, please note that it is risky to transport the for eyes, dark colored baby with sitting body
Hammerprice: 142,00 €

No. 868
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
bisque porcelain head doll, Belton-type, marked 51-8, 45 cm, fix inset blue  glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, socket head, dimple at chin, on a bisque breast plate, leather body, bisque arms, nice modelled, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 489,00 €

No. 869
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
exceptional bisque porcelain head with page-boy hait cut, 28 cm, modelled hair, with blue to the side looking painted eyes, closed mouth, stocky oilcloth body, probably original, head was 1x new fixed and a cardboard intermediate part was inserted
Hammerprice: 121,00 €

No. 870
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
bisque porcelain head doll, Japan, 24, 32 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple, formed, baby with sitting body with slightly stick-out toe and different postures of hands, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 71,00 €

No. 871
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

bisque porcelain head doll, France, 42 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, French jointed body, wig is more recent
Hammerprice: 102,00 €

No. 872
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

1329 5, Oriental, 47 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, slightly yellowish toned jointed body, old mohair wig, rubbers are a bit loosely
Hammerprice: 481,00 €

No. 873
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

253. NOBBI KID US-patent Germany 11-0, 17 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, closed melon-shaped mouth, original mohair wig, original clothes, with chest label, rubbers are a bit loosely, standing mass body with modelled shoes and socks
Hammerprice: 422,00 €

No. 874
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

323, Googly, with to the side looking brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, standing  mass body, modelled shoes and socks, 17 cm, mohair wig
Hammerprice: 361,00 €

No. 875
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

910, bisque porcelain head doll, Googly, 23 cm, modelled hair, blue painted Intaglio-eyes, closed mouth, standing  mass body with modelled shoes and socks, arms 1x painted over, hands were unhandsome retouched, unusual
Hammerprice: 121,00 €

No. 876
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

323, Googly, 25 cm, nice size, blue to the side looking sleepy eyes, closed mouth, standing  mass body, with modelled shoes and socks, old wig
Hammerprice: 431,00 €

No. 877
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

sun, boy, 32 cm, fine modelled hair, Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, on a jointed body, head seams aa bit too small for the body
Hammerprice: 56,00 €

No. 878
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

bisque porcelain head doll, marked Globe Baby DEP Germany 10 3 H, 30 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body with fix wrists, old underwear and shoes, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 201,00 €

No. 879
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

126, 32 cm, brown impish eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, bisque socket head, baby with sitting body, old shoes and socks, mohair wig
Hammerprice: 81,00 €

No. 880
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

126, colored bisque porcelain head doll, 32 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, tongue, dark colored baby with sitting body, mohair wig, loosely rubbers
Hammerprice: 171,00 €

No. 881
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

152, bisque porcelain character baby, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, modelled tongue, baby with sitting body with different postures of hands, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 122,00 €

No. 882
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

227, bisque porcelain character doll, France, 36 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset brown  glass eyes, opened/closed mouth, modelled teeth, modelled hair, back of the head was restored, jointed body, hands were retouched
Hammerprice: 241,00 €

No. 883
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

1272-40, deponiert, bisque porcelain character doll, full head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, modelled teeth, pierced nostrils, baby with sitting body, minimally  flaked off porcelain part at on the surface of the hairline, hands were colorwise retouched, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism
Hammerprice: 45,00 €

No. 884
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

353-3K, Asian, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, yellowish toned baby with sitting body, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, 30 cm
Hammerprice: 136,00 €

No. 885
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

627-4, bisque porcelain character baby, 28 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, baby with sitting body, clothes and mohair wig are more recent
Hammerprice: 101,00 €

No. 886
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

1428 (Freddy), bisque porcelain character doll, 30 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, baby with sitting body, old mohair wig, loosely rubbers
Hammerprice: 271,00 €

No. 887
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
bisque porcelain head doll, probably France, 46 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, French jointed body, hands were supplemented, mohair wig, clothes are more recent
Hammerprice: 227,00 €

No. 888
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

bisque porcelain head doll, 58 cm, socket head, blue impish eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, wig is more recent, pierced earlobes
Hammerprice: 182,00 €

No. 889
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
bisque porcelain head doll, marked G&S 6 Germany, 60 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, clothes and wig are more recent
Hammerprice: 81,00 €

No. 890
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
HEUBACH sun, squirted porcelain, 50 cm, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, dark colored standing  mass body, clothes and wig are more recent, colored doll, SONNEBERG, 365-5, 50 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, HEUBACH, 250-3, bisque porcelain head doll, 58 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin
Hammerprice: 351,00 €

No. 891
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

121, bisque porcelain character doll, 40 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple, Toddler-body, with jointed wrists, old mohai -wig, old underwear, shoes and socks, dress was sewed of old fabric
Hammerprice: 353,00 €

No. 892
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

252, DEP, bisque porcelain head doll, 54 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, old mohair-wig, losing, dress old but stronger worn, old underwear and shoes, nice expression
Hammerprice: 301,00 €

No. 893
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

3200, bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, 65 cm, brown sleepy eyes, leather body, bisque arms, old mohair wig, old clothes and shoes
Hammerprice: 221,00 €

No. 894
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

10532, bisque porcelain head doll, 21 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, slim, standing  mass body, with up-painted socks and shoes, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 895
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

1079, DEP 9 Germany, bisque porcelain head doll, 55 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, simple jointed body, with long thighs, clothes and wig are more recent
Hammerprice: 83,00 €

No. 896
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

266 680-36, bisque porcelain head doll, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, baby with sitting body, arms were colorwise retouched, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 102,00 €

No. 897
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

116-A, bisque porcelain character baby, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, baby with sitting body with different postures of hands and stick-out toe, real hair wig
Hammerprice: 251,00 €

No. 898
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

bisque porcelain character doll, 29 cm, full head, fix inset blue  glass eyes, opened/closed mouth with modelled tongue, dimple at chin, baby with sitting body with different postures of hands and stick-out toe, arms were colorwise retouched
Hammerprice: 101,00 €

No. 899
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

100, 36 cm, Kaiser-baby, bisque socket head, blue painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, baby with sitting body with different postures of hands and stick-out toe
Hammerprice: 136,00 €

No. 900
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

152, bisque porcelain character baby, 26 cm, socket head, fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, baby with sitting body, wig is more recent
Hammerprice: 81,00 €

No. 901
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

247, bisque porcelain character doll, 27 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, tongue, old mohair wig, baby with sitting body with different postures of hands and stick-out toe
Hammerprice: 331,00 €

No. 902
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

301, bisque porcelain head doll, France, 58 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, French jointed body, loose rubbers, wig is partially still glued on, glue rests at the edge of head, from outside are no flaws visible, doll couldn't be illuminated, flaked off mass part at the hands, 1 finger is missing
Hammerprice: 107,00 €

No. 903
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

126, 63 cm, marked at head 56, size difference because of the Toddler-body, rubber hands, wig is more recent
Hammerprice: 81,00 €

No. 904
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of bears, different periods, HERMANN teddy, blue, MOSTRO, bear, HERMANN teddy, yellow, 65 cm, exceptional size, good condition, 2x HERMANN, Zotty, worn, spot at 1 felt snout, small bear, faults at the felt snout, and small faults at the paws
Hammerprice: 32,00 €

No. 905
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

mixed lot of more recent productions, Lotte, button, chest label and cloth tag label, STEIFF bear, yellow, button and cloth tag label, STEIFF Maxi, mole, STEIFF Paddy, with chest label, Raudi, button, chest label and cloth tag label, ice bear, button, chest label and cloth tag label, Bully, button and chest label, Classic-Teddy-bear, replica, 1951, button, chest label and cloth tag label, 1 HERMANN teddy, orange, with bear, 48 cm, opened snout, all in good condition
Hammerprice: 75,00 €

No. 906
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of animals and bears, '50s - more recent, STEIFF and others, among it Cosy-teddy, white, button, chest label and cloth tag label, chest label and cloth tag label worn, 17 cm, worn - good
Hammerprice: 281,00 €

No. 907
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of bears, STEIFF and others, different periods, worn - good, with 1 STEIFF hare, postwar era, with button
Hammerprice: 42,00 €

No. 908
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €

250, Valkyrie, bisque porcelain head doll, 48 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, clothes and wig are more recent, hands were retouched
Hammerprice: 113,00 €

No. 909
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
STEIFF, Molly, 25 cm, probably pre-war era, without button and chest label, 1 skin dog, lenght: 22 cm
Hammerprice: 46,00 €

No. 910
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
bisque porcelain head doll, marked 201 11, 54 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 177,00 €

No. 911
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot with 3 dolls, SIMON & HALBIG / KÄMMER & REINHARDT, 48 cm, blue sleepy eyes, socket head, old mohair wig, fix glued on, from outside are no flaws visible, doll couldn't be illuminated, strongly used baby with sitting body, HEUBACH, 342-3, bisque porcelain head doll, 42 cm, baby with sitting body, partially painted over, HEUBACH, 342, 31 cm, blue sleepy eyes, upper teeth, jointed tongue, standing  mass body, body was partially painted over
Hammerprice: 152,00 €

No. 912
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of mass doll, head with flange neck, fabric body, 60 cm, HEUBACH, 342, bisque porcelain head doll, 53 cm, the blue glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, fix glued on real hair wig, doll couldn't be illuminated, strongly used baby with sitting body, with flaked off mass parts, HEUBACH, 342, 50 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, standing  mass body, real hair wig, fix glued on, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, ARMAND MARSEILLE, 327, 54 cm, bisque socket head, firing crack at the back of the head, glue rests at the edge of head, eyes were unhandsome fix glued in, jointed body, was partially colorwise retouched
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 913
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of dolls, mass head with flange neck Googly, head glued to, HEUBACH, 342, brown sleepy eyes, standing mass body, 50 cm, head looks a bit too big for the body, HEUBACH, 342, standing  mass body, 48 cm, bisque porcelain head doll, boy, age?
Hammerprice: 152,00 €

Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion GmbH
Lustgartenstr. 6
68526 Ladenburg
